4 Beautiful Counter-thoughts For Negativity That Every Couple Should Know

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Is love as painful as people claim to be? No, love isn’t; rejection, failure and betrayal are. The human brain acts quite randomly and mysteriously when it comes to serious emotions such as love and hatred. Just like how a child would turn out to be a criminal if they were not tamed from the childhood, your brain will take you to situations that would absolutely sabotage your love life and life in general. How can you tame or control your thoughts that constantly make you ruin your beautiful relationship. Here are 4 strong counter thoughts to try out.

“Things will get better”

Positivity has always been a method that works for almost any problem. In fact, it is very hard to achieve targets with negative mind sets. Hence, ensure that you want to be positive throughout the tough times.

“If not her/him, who else?”

Comparison, when done in the right way, is quite beneficial. But you need to pay close attention to what you’re comparison. Let’s assume that there is no one else and your mind is constantly forcing you to just walk out. The reason could compatibility issues, commitment issues or even depression. But when you give a good reason for your irrational brain, it immediately accepts itself and lets your logical senses to hold ground. If you’re married and fighting negative thoughts, your best option is channelling marriage counselling South Brisbane because they know what should go inside your head to keep things under control.

“Falling is easy, staying in love is what matters”

Didn’t we have a time when we used to fall in love a couple of time a day in public transportation? Love at first sight is a myth; attraction at first sight is what’s truly real. When you get attracted to the right person at first sight, you get together and build a nice relationship. Hence, it doesn’t matter how rough it has been, as long as you and your partner is willing to, you can always rebuild what you feel like you have lost. In the process, professional intervention such as relationship counselling is your best choice.

“I’m going to do everything until it is absolutely hopeless”

Let’s assume that it’s not meant to be, God forbid. You wouldn’t know that unless you have done everything else to save and savour what you have until you start waking up next to the wrong person. Love life is never supposed to be easy. It requires effort, patience and faith. That’s why you need to start doing everything in your power to save what you have.